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    CCCL Setback Surveys

    Embraces the evaluation and demarcation of the required setback distance from the coastline for construction projects in coastal areas. Surveyors determine the location of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) based on regulatory guidelines and existing records. Subsequently, they are to establish the appropriate setback line on the property, ensuring that any proposed construction remains compliant with coastal development regulations. The survey process involves accurate measurements and documentation of the setback line’s position, always providing essential information for permitting authorities to assess the impact of construction on coastal environments, erosion prevention, and public access. Essentially, this survey safeguards the coastal ecosystem and guides responsible development in these sensitive areas.

    • Review coastal construction regulations and CCCL guidelines for the project area.
    • Identify the established CCCL setback line from the shoreline.
    • Conduct field surveys to accurately determine the location of the CCCL setback line on the property.
    • Verify compliance of existing or proposed structures with CCCL setbacks.
    • Prepare detailed survey reports and drawings showing the relationship between structures and the CCCL setback line.
    • Coordinate with relevant authorities and agencies to ensure adherence to coastal development regulations.

    By gathering all of this information and meeting all of these steps, not only vital data for coastal construction projects is going to be provided, but also environmental and coastal management considerations are going to be respected.

    Over 6000 completed projects

    In most of Florida, primarily in Charlotte, Sarasota, Lee, Polk, DeSoto and Hillsborough Counties.

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