Refers to a legal and surveying process to formally remove or modify existing property easements. Typically, it includes thorough research of property records, legal documentation, and easement agreements. Surveyors accurately locate and map the easement boundaries on the property, and if applicable, assess the physical impact of the easement on the land. The surveyor’s findings are then used to support the legal process of releasing or vacating the easement through appropriate channels. This extensive survey and legal process guarantee the accurate representation and lawful resolution of property rights when modifying or removing easements from a property
In compliance with the aforementioned process, it will be ensured that the release or vacation of easements follows appropriate legal and physical procedures, incorporating precise survey data and documentation to facilitate the desired alterations in property rights and land use.
In most of Florida, primarily in Charlotte, Sarasota, Lee, Polk, DeSoto and Hillsborough Counties.
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